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Students will acquire highly interdisciplinary skills in cultural tourism management, heritage promotion, and creativity for tourism and territorial development, with a distinct focus on ecological sustainability.

Opportunities for graduates in Cultural Heritage and Creativity for tourism and territorial development include:

  • Design and management of creative enterprises for the promotion of cultural and environmental heritage within the frame of territorial and touristic development
  • Organization of exhibitions, cultural and performative events
  • Management of hospitality services, exhibition and promotion of the cultural and environmental heritage within the public sector, private companies, cooperatives, and other entities
  • Consultancy with governmental organizations, national and local, in the areas of tourism, culture, cultural and environmental heritage and local development
  • Consultancy with local organizations and companies with a focus on innovation

Graduates will be able to work in the public sector, both as consultants or employees, for the promotion of environmental and cultural heritage or territorial marketing and tourism. In the private sector, they will be able to develop and manage projects related to cultural heritage and territorial development as part of local creative enterprises.

Professional ISTAT (Italian National Statistical Institute) profiles:
2.5 - Specialists in humanities, social sciences, arts, and management
2.5.3 - Specialists in social sciences - Specialists in historical and artistic disciplines - Museum curators and conservators
2.5.5 - Specialists in arts and performance
5.2.3 - Travel attendants, conductors and guides
5.4.2 - Specialists in recreational and cultural services

Last update: 29/03/2022 13:28

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