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Course Quality Assurance System

The degree course has its own quality assurance (QA) system, in line with University provisions which were updated recently and implemented by the ANVUR defined AVA3 accreditation model. The degree course QA system aims to develop the quality of teaching, support services and facilities and guarantees continuous improvement, through dialogue with student and business communities.

The degree course in Cultural Heritage and Creativity for tourism and territorial development implements quality assurance processes through QA points of reference, namely:

  • Course Description file (SUA-CdS) is where each Degree Course publishes its objectives annually. The Course Description file provides all information useful to students, families and stakeholders in order to clarify course objectives, describe training path and learning environment, illustrate learning outcomes, set out organisational structure and responsibilities in terms of QA and indicate annual review results.

The Course Description file is one of the reference tools in the course self-assessment and assessment process.

  • Annual Monitoring involves a brief commentary on ANVUR calculated indicators: teaching, internationalisation, course assessment, study paths and compliance, satisfaction and employability, teaching staff consistency and qualification. The monitoring objective is to identify any critical aspects in the Course including comparing it both nationally or locally with average values of the same degree Courses elsewhere. The University of Turin’s Annual Monitoring Form has been supplemented with two further self-assessment points: monitoring improvement introduced in the last Cyclical Review of the Degree Course and a brief comment on how the previous academic year’s results of student, lecturer and graduate opinion surveys were managed.

Monitoring is carried out annually by the Course Monitoring and Review Committee, which is comprised of lecturers and students.

  • Cyclical Review is an in-depth analysis of the Course’s performance, detailing any problems and possible solutions to be implemented in the next cycle. It is published every five years or less should the Assessment Board request it, eg when critical issues arise and major changes to regulations and periodic accreditation are due. The Cyclical Review is based on the examination of:
  • Quality Assurance in Course design
  • Quality Assurance in Course delivery
  • Management of Course resources
  • Board review and improvement
  • Comment on indicators.

The Cyclical Review is carried out by the Monitoring and Review Commission.

  • Joint Teaching Commission Annual Report monitors courses available, assesses the quality of teaching, student support services and course objectives achievement rate. The School/Department Joint Teaching Commission is made up equally of students and lecturers. The report also suggests improvement to Courses and Departments which are responsible for teaching.

Students participate actively and proactively in the Monitoring and Review Committee and the School/Department Joint Teaching Committee, take part in all Degree Course meetings with first years, orientation and tutoring, etc. and regularly consult the information on their Degree Course web pages. Should degree courses not have elected students, a representative from among students enrolled will be involved.

Quality Assurance Course contact references are:


Last update: 03/05/2024 10:10

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